


After the success of the Manhattan project and the advent of early computers, a small group of leading scientists was tasked with developing the next technology to give the United States a leg up over other global powers in anticipation of the arms race that would eventually come.

January 10th, 1946

Declassified documents show that the project was assembled for the first time on this date, the original team was numbered at 13. Notable members were H.E. Krueger, J.P. Cole, and S.R. Clay. It's not clear where the original facility they met in was, other than the likely assumption it was somewhere along the east coast of the United States. The project was to be hidden from even the then president, Truman.

March 22nd, 1946

Project Angel was moved to Parton, PA. This is where it would stay until the project as a whole was dissolved in 1968. Despite clear evidence of its existence via these documents, I can't seem to find any source mentioning this town outside of texts relevant to Project Angel.

That same week the first disappearance of a member of the original 13 was reported.